Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolic Disorders

At Yashoda Super Speciality Hospitals, a futuristically equipped care unit functions in accordance with a multi–modality proposition and caters a supportive care to treat various health anomalies related to diabetes, endocrine & metabolic disorders.

If a person is looking for excellent therapeutics related to diabetes, endocrine & metabolic disorders, then Yashoda Hospitals is definitely a one – stop solution. We bring you the best in – clinical service for diabetes and endocrine disorders. Our dedicated and extremely qualified team of specialists and counsellors has designed the structured programs and packages in a manner that suit the patients’ all possible needs. We offer the evaluation and treatment services for diabetes, obesity and endocrine disorders (a human body’s endocrine system includes the pancreas, thyroid, parathyroid, pineal, hypothalamus, adrenal and pituitary glands, ovaries and testes).

Why choose us?

Yashoda Hospitals offer the following to provide an easy preference for our services:

  • State of the art radiology facilities.
  • Availability of nuclear medicine
  • High – end laboratory facilities
  • A team of highly skilled surgeons from all disciplines
  • Comprehensive care for all endocrine disorders under one roof.


At Yashoda, for treating the following Out – Patient & In – Patient services are available:

  • Diabetes & all of its complications
  • Obesity
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Growth & maturation disorders in children
  • Osteoporosis & calcium metabolism disorders
  • Sexual hormonal disorders
  • Menstrual irregularity
  • Excessive facial hair in women
  • Pituitary & adrenal gland disorders.


Diversely ranging from the prevention and lifestyle management to the cutting edge technology in use for dealing with the advanced complications, everything has been encased into a large and controlled integrated setup.