
The Department of Pulmonology at Yashoda Super Specialty Hospitals facilitates the diagnosis and treatment of all ailments of the respiratory tract and respiratory disorders like diseases of the airway (Bronchial Asthma, COPD), interstitial diseases, diseases of alveolar space (ARDS), diseases of pulmonary vasculature (PAH, PE, Vasculitis), diseases of ventilator control, occupational lung diseases, all types of infection related to lungs, diseases of mediastinum and pleura, cancer of lung & pleura, sleep – related disorders (SAS, Narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, periodic limb movement, UARS) and upper airway resistance syndrome through a dedicated crew of distinguished pulmonologists and the best chest specialists integrated with the Department of Critical Care to proffer emergency care to patients requiring life support. Apart from the expertise of medical personnel, the department is adequately furnished with the updated versions of diagnostic & therapeutic technologies in the field of respiratory care.

We take pride in housing one of the best Pulmonary Function (PFT) labs & bronchoscopy units (pediatric & adult).

Facilities at the Pulmonology Department of Yashoda Hospitals include:

  • EBUS
  • Management of acute & chronic lung disease.
  • Bronchoscopy.
  • Transbronchial needle aspiration.
  • Transbronchial lung biopsy.
  • Tracheomalacia study.
  • Forcep biopsy.
  • Brush biopsy.
  • Therapeutic lung lavage.
  • Bronchoalveolar lavage.
  • Thoracoscopy.
  • VATS: Video – Assisted Thoracoscopy.
  • Pleuroscopy.
  • Alveoscopy.
  • Pleurodesis.
  • Pleural fluid aspiration.
  • Inter – Coastal Drainage (ICD).
  • Sleep Study

Provisions for Pulmonary Functional tests:

  • Spirometry.
  • Lung Volume including RV, TLC, FRC.
  • Diffusion Capacity of Lung. (DLCO).
  • Bronchoprovocation Test (Bronchial challenge test).
  • Respiratory Muscle Strength (MIP, MEP).
  • 6 – Minute Walk Test.
  • Pulse Oxymetry.
  • Pre – & post – exercise Oxymetry.