Anesthesia is the offshoot of medicine obligated to inducing anesthesia during surgical and medical procedures. Anesthesiologists are perioperative physicians specially trained to providing comprehensive healthcare for patients before, during and after administering anesthesia. Anesthesiologists supervise a nexus of physiological parameters and their variations / fluctuations in admitted patients.
The Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine serves its coverage through anesthesiologists and critical care physicians, specifically tutored in pediatric anesthesiology and critical care medicine. We aspire towards disseminating our discoveries and innovations and are acknowledged as the leader in Pediatric Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine. Our anesthesiologists will dig into your detailed medical history and only then coordinate the optimization of any medical problems with various specialists.
Within the perioperative domain including but not limited to cardiac, neurosurgical, regional, obstetric, pediatric, critical care and pain management anesthesia, at Yashoda, we are committed to impart excellent, compassionate clinical care, the development of outstanding future clinicians, think tanks and the advancement of knowledge through scientific and clinical discoveries.